Get Ready for the Sock Hop

Put your dancing shoes on for the Sock Hop at Louise Archer. The event will be on Friday, November 10th. We will have food in the Cafeteria from 6-7:30pm and a DJ in the Gym from 7-8:30pm. As always our 6th graders will hop the tables and raise funds via tips for their 6th grade celebration.

Please note, chaperones are extra critical this year, as Louise Archer is currently an active construction site. Please ensure that children are not running or being overly rambunctious at your post. It is imperative that children follow schoolwide hallway expectations as they move from the cafeteria to the gym.

Please consider volunteering and/or donating needed supplies for this event to make it a success!

We greatly appreciate your help!and we can’t wait to host this fun event for students and families! Contact Molly Peng or Reshma Patel with any questions.