Louise Archer Thanksgiving Food Drive

Greetings to our Community!

We are conducting another food drive (separate from the Madison Canned Food Drive) for our food insecure families to go home around Thanksgiving. If you are willing and able to donate any of the items listed below, we would greatly appreciate it. All items should come to the front office by November 15th.

Our fantastic Pack 78 will stuff the bags and have them ready for families to pick up.

Thank you in advance for your donation!

Family Pack Suggestions:

  • Oatmeal packets
  • Ramen noodles
  • Granola bars
  • Individual cereal packs or family boxes
  • Milk – shelf stable, individual (not cold)
  • Juice pouches
  • Canned chicken/tuna
  • Fruit cups/cans
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Bar soap
  • Feminine Napkins
  • Paper Towels
  • Napkins
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Canned Goods (especially veggies)
  • Meal Prep things
  • Grocery Gift Cards (anytime)
  • Dish Soap
  • Laundry Soap
  • Sponges
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet Paper
  • Reusable grocery bags

PTA Meeting – Thursday, Nov. 9th at 8pm

The November 2023 PTA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 9th at 8pm via Zoom.

The Zoom meeting link will be automatically emailed to all PTA members (as of midnight the day of the meeting). Thank you to everyone who’s joined the PTA so far!

If you have not signed up for the PTA this year but still wish to attend, please RSVP.

The Zoom meeting link will be emailed the day of the meeting.

Sock Hop is this Friday!!!

Put your dancing shoes on for the Sock Hop at Louise Archer. The event will be on this Friday, (November 10th). We will have food in the Cafeteria from 6-7:30pm and a DJ in the Gym from 7-8:30pm. As always our 6th graders will hop the tables and raise funds via tips for their 6th grade celebration.

Please note, chaperones are extra critical this year, as Louise Archer is currently an active construction site. Please ensure that children are not running or being overly rambunctious at your post. It is imperative that children follow schoolwide hallway expectations as they move from the cafeteria to the gym.

Please consider volunteering and/or donating needed supplies for this event to make it a success!

We greatly appreciate your help!and we can’t wait to host this fun event for students and families! Contact Molly Peng or Reshma Patel with any questions.

Pre-Order Sock Hop Food & Drink Tickets

Skip the line at the Sock Hop by pre-ordering your food & drink tickets.

Tickets are $1 each. Tickets can be exchanged for food & drink as follows:

  • Pizza slice = 2 tickets
  • Root Beer float = 2 tickets
  • Drink (water or soda) = 1 ticket

Please do not pre-order fewer than 10 tickets. If you’d like to purchase fewer than 10, please purchase at the event.

Sock Hop Photos

All yearbook photo contributions from the Sock Hop must be submitted by Sunday, November 19th. Please be selective in your photos and upload them using the following link: LAES Sock Hop Photo Album.

Just a friendly reminder, please do not submit non-school siblings/friends and parents. Thanks!

If you have any questions, please email LAES Yearbook.

Stock the Fridge for Teacher Work Days

It’s time to show the Louise Archer teachers and staff our appreciation! We will be Stocking the Fridge and the Teachers’ Lounges with snacks for the Teacher Work Days – November 6th and 7th!

Please consider donating items from the Stock the Fridge list. And if you do sign up, please deliver the items to Door 10 (near the new cafeteria) on Monday, November 6th between 9-10am. If you’d like to drop off non-refrigerated items prior to November 6th, please reach out to Alice Suh to coordinate a drop off.

If you have questions, please contact the PTA Sunshine Committee.

Pre-Order Sock Hop Food & Drink Tickets

Skip the line at the Sock Hop by pre-ordering your food & drink tickets.

Tickets are $1 each. Tickets can be exchanged for food & drink as follows:

  • Pizza slice = 2 tickets
  • Root Beer float = 2 tickets
  • Drink (water or soda) = 1 ticket
Please do not pre-order fewer than 10 tickets. If you’d like to purchase fewer than 10, please purchase at the event.

PTA Meeting – Wednesday, Oct. 18th at 8pm

The LAES PTA is taking a leap back to pre-covid times and inviting you to attend our in-person meeting this coming Wednesday, Oct. 18th at 8pm.

Meeting will be held in the Cafeteria.

Last Call for Entries for the Reflections Arts Contest!

Tomorrow, October 12th, is the deadline for entries in the Reflections Arts Contest, a National PTA Program we participate in at Louise Archer. Students can submit works in literature, music composition, dance choreography, photography, visual arts, and film production. All Louise Archer students are encouraged to participate!

The 2023 theme, I am hopeful because…, calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. This year, we are following the format that was used the last few years with digital submissions and online entry forms. All entries should be submitted through our online submission portal by tomorrow, October 12th, to be considered for judging.

Guidelines for each category can be found on our website. Please note that the physical guidelines no longer apply, as all projects must be digitally submitted, so Visual Arts entries must be photographed for entry. For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships. We will celebrate all Louise Archer entries and participants at a special reception on November 30th.

Full details are available on the LAES PTA Reflections website.

Less Than a Week to Enter the Reflections Arts Contest!

Encourage your children to submit their entries for the Reflections Arts Contest, a National PTA Program we participate in at Louise Archer. Students can submit works in literature, music composition, dance choreography, photography, visual arts, and film production. All Louise Archer students are encouraged to participate!

The 2023 theme, I am hopeful because…, calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. This year, we are following the format that was used the last few years with digital submissions and online entry forms. The deadline for entries will be Thurs., Oct. 12th. All entries should be submitted through our online submission portal.

Guidelines for each category can be found on our website. Please note that the physical guidelines no longer apply, as all projects must be digitally submitted, so Visual Arts entries must be photographed for entry. For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships. We will celebrate all Louise Archer entries and participants at a special reception on November 30th.

Full details are available on the LAES PTA Reflections website.